Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Get Your Finances On Track in 2017

How to Get Your Finances On Track in 2017 Feeling like there’s never enough money or time? Want to get healthy or plan for the future? Try these steps to take charge of your life and build some real progress in the new year, while lowering your taxes so you’ll have more of your hard-earned fruits to enjoy for all that labor. 1. Spend money to make moneyGetting professional help to lose weight or quit smoking can pay off in the long run. So can soliciting proper legal advice on contracts and finances. So can giving to charity. All of these things are often tax-deductible ways to make your money work for you- and help you to grow. Oh, and shell out for a tax pro to help you out come tax time, too.2. Get organizedTrack your travel miles, your donations, and your time, and keep a clear log in an easy-to-remember place for tax time. You’ll be glad you did. Remember to keep your receipts so you can itemize. As intensive as it sounds, it can be worth the effort.The next time you see anything that might be relev ant to end-of-year tax prep, start gathering it together in dedicated envelopes. That way you won’t be digging around for things at the 11th hour.3. Plan your financial planningLook at your stock portfolio and your retirement accounts (if you have ‘em!) and make sure you’ve got everything in order. Are you making all the smartest bets? And if you don’t have an IRA consider getting one; you’ll have until April 18Â  to fund it, and you can deduct it on your 2015 taxes.4. Optimize your givingWhether to charity or to yourself, giving will get you there faster and keep your tax bill down in the process. You can do your part and beef up your savings in the process.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Concept of God According to Descartes Essays

Concept of God According to Descartes Essays Concept of God According to Descartes Essay Concept of God According to Descartes Essay so his view of the soul predated Christianity. Plato (ca. 428-348 B. C. ) saw mans existence as divided into the material and spiritual, or Ideal, realms. Plato reasoned that the soul, being eternal, must have had a pre-existence in the ideal world where it learned about the eternal Ideals (William S. Sahakian, History of Philosophy, 1968, p. 56). In Platos reasoning, man is meant to attain goodness and return to the Ideal through the experiences of the transmigration of the soul. Thus secular philosophies sanction the idea of the immortal soul, even though the Bible does not. Believe it or not, Gods Word teaches something entirely different. History of a Controversial Teaching The doctrine of the immortal soul caused much controversy in the early Catholic Church. Origen (ca. 185-254) was the first person to attempt to organize Christian doctrine into a systematic theology. He was an admirer of Plato and believed in the immortality of the soul and that it would depart to an everlasting reward or everlasting punishment at death. In Origen De Principiis he wrote: The soul, having a substance and life of its own, shall after its departure from the world, be rewarded according to its deserts, being destined to obtain either an inheritance of eternal life and blessedness, if its actions shall have procured this for it, or to be delivered up to eternal fire and punishments, if the guilt of its crimes shall have brought it down to this (Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 4, 1995, p. 240). Origen taught that human souls existed before the body but is imprisoned in the physical world as a form of punishment. Physical life, he reasoned, is a purification process to return humans to a spiritual state. Later Augustine (354-430) tackled the problem of the immortality of the soul and death. For Augustine death meant the destruction of the body, but the conscious soul would continue to live in either a blissful state with God or an agonizing state of separation from God. In The City of God he wrote that the soul is therefore called immortal, because in a sense, it does not cease to live and to feel; while the body is called mortal because it can be forsaken of all life, and cannot by itself live at all. The death, then, of the soul, takes place when God forsakes it, as the death of the body when the soul forsakes it (Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 2, 1995, p. 245. ) The influences of pagan Platonic philosophy on Origen and Augustine are profound. Richard Tarnas, in his best-seller The Passion of the Western Mind, points to this influence: It was Augustines formulation of Christian Platonism that was to permeate virtually all of medieval Christian thought in the West. So enthusiastic was the Christian integration of the Greek spirit that Socrates and Plato were frequently regarded as divinely inspired pre-Christian saints (1991, p. 103). Centuries later Thomas Aquinas (ca. 1225-1274) crystallized the doctrine of the immortal soul in The Summa Theologica. He taught that the soul is a conscious intellect and will and cannot be destroyed. A few centuries later the leaders of the Protestant Reformation generally accepted these traditional views, so they became entrenched in traditional Prot estant teaching. The immortality of the soul is foundational in Western thought, both philosophical and religious. Belief in going to heaven or hell depends on it. But does the Bible teach that death is the separation of body and soul or that the soul is immortal? Hebrew Understanding of the Soul The Hebrew word translated soul in the Old Testament is nephesh, which simply means a breathing creature. Vines Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words defines nephesh as the essence of life, the act of breathing, taking breath The problem with the English term soul is that no actual equivalent of the term or the idea behind it is represented in the Hebrew language. The Hebrew system of thought does not include the combination or opposition of he body and soul which are really Greek and Latin in origin. The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible makes this comment on nephesh: The word soul in English, though it has to some extent naturalized the Hebrew idiom, frequently carries with it overtones, ultimately coming from philosophical Greek (Platonism) and from Orphism and Gnosticism which are absent in nephesh. In the Old Testamen t it never means the immortal soul, but it is essentially the life principle, or the living being, or the self as the subject of appetite, and emotion, occasionally of volition. That nephesh doesnt refer to an immortal soul can be seen in the way the word is used in the Old Testament. It is translated soul or being in reference to man in Genesis 2:7, but also to animals by being translated creature in Genesis 1:24. Nephesh is translated body in Leviticus 21:11 in reference to a human corpse. The Hebrew Scriptures state plainly that, rather than possess immortality, the soul can and does die. The soul [nephesh] who sins shall die (Ezekiel 18:4, 20). The Old Testament describes the dead as going to sheol, translated into English as hell, pit or grave. Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 describes sheol as a place of unconsciousness: For the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, their hatred, and their envy have now perished King David laments that death extinguishes a relationship with God. For in death there is no remembrance of You; in the grave who will give You thanks ? (Psalm 6:5). The immortal-soul concept isnt part of the Old Testament, but it began to make inroads into Jewish thought as Jews came in contact with Greek culture. In the first century the Jewish philosopher Philo taught a Platonic concept: The death of a man is the separation of his soul from his body (The Works of Philo, translated by C. D. Yonge, 1993, p. 37). Philo followed the Hellenistic view that the soul is freed upon death to an everlasting life of virtue or evil. In the New Testament the Greek word translated soul is psuche, which is also translated life.   Ã‚  Ã‚   In Psalm 16:10 David uses nephesh (soul) to claim that the Holy One, or Messiah, wouldnt be left in sheol, the grave. Peter quotes this verse in Acts 2:27, using the Greek psuche for the Hebrew nephesh (notice verses 25-31). Like nephesh, psuche refers to human souls (Acts 2:41) and for animals (it is translated life in the King James Version of Revelation 8:9 and 16:3). Jesus declared that God can destroy mans psuche, or soul (Matthew 10:28). If the Old Testament describes death as an unconscious state, how does the New Testament describe it? No one wrote more about this subject than the apostle Paul. He describes death as sleep (1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Many people are surprised to find that the term immortal soul appears nowhere in the Bible. However, though the Scriptures do not speak of the soul as being immortal, they have much to say about immortality. For example: You know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him (1 John 3:15). Paul told the members of the congregation in Rome to seek immortality (Romans 2:5-7). He taught Christians at Corinth that they must be changed and put on immortality (1 Corinthians 15:51-55). Paul proclaimed that only God and His Son possess immortality (1 Timothy 6:12-16) and that eternal life is a gift from God (Romans 6:23). The most powerful words come from Jesus Himself: And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day (John 6:40). True Origin of Immortal-soul Teaching Weve seen in this brief look at the supposedly immortal soul that the Bible teaches no such concept. The idea filtered into Western thought through Greek philosophy. Its origins are older than Athens, in fact as old as man. The concept of the immortal soul was introduced into mans thinking at the earliest beginnings of human history. God told the first human beings, Adam and Eve, that if they sinned they would die and return to the dust from which He had created them (Genesis 2:17; 3:19). Satan, the embodiment of evil, the powerful entity who opposes God, assured them they wouldnt die (verses 1-5). Satan slyly injected into Eves consciousness the notion that God was lying and that she and her husband would not die, thus ingraining the unscriptural teaching of the immortality of the soul into human thought. Satan has since deceived the world on this important understanding as well as many other biblical truths (Revelation 12:9). Much f the world, including millions of people in religions outside of traditional Christianity, are convinced they have- or are- immortal souls and hope they will go to a happy place or state of being immediately after they die. Soul/Nephesh According to Judaism The Hebrew word for soul, nephesh, does not mean what you say it does, if you want to use Judaica as an original source. The fou ndation of Judaism, according to Judaism, is Kabbalah. The Kabbalistic meaning of nephesh/soul is that the one soul of the Creator that has been divided into many parts among mankind and awaits its reunification in the final correction. This is actually the root of our belief that all souls will be eternally okay, in the end. The Biblical Answer to Death Yet the Bible plainly teaches that the dead lie in the grave and know nothing, think no thoughts, have no emotions, possess no consciousness. Does this mean death, the cessation of life, is final, the end of everything? The Bible answers this question too. Although mankind is physical, subject to death, the good news is that God promises a resurrection to eternal life to everyone who repents, worships God and accepts Jesus as the Messiah and His sacrifice. The first resurrection to immortality will take place when Christ returns to establish Gods Kingdom on this earth. Later will come another resurrection- to physical life- for people who had never had a relationship with the Father and Jesus Christ. They, too, will gain the opportunity for immortality. The true final answer is not death but resurrection. From the above it is clear that the concept of immortality of Soul is actually not a Christian concept and there is no reference to it in the Holy Bible. Even if one does not want to rely too much on the above view of the Biblical verse, still one can say that immortality of Soul cannot be a Christian concept because according to Christian belief, the God is the Supreme commander and if our souls were immortal then there would not be any difference between the earthly human beings and the Divine God. And for human beings to be at par with the Supreme Commander is impossible. If one does not want to take this argument also then and stick to the belief that immortality of the soul is actually a Christian concept and Descartes has not proved it according to C. F. Fowler in his book, â€Å"Descartes on the human soul: philosophy and the demands of Christian doctrine,† from Descartes writing it is understood that the Soul is immaterial as against the body which is material. And if the Soul is immaterial then it cannot be put to death from this one can say that Descartes has proved the immortality of the Soul. So either way one can succeed in defending Descartes and say that the Catholic Church made a mistake by condemning Descartes writings.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Advancements to allow fast HPLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Advancements to allow fast HPLC - Essay Example One of the major domains of chemistry that promises lots of advancements due to extensive research is Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the analysis of the chemical nature of matter. Analysis of chemical composition of matter is the supporting pillar to the development of any new product or structure. The collective term used for the various laboratory procedures available to separate matter into its constituent compositions to analyze their chemical nature is known as Chromatography. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is a type of Column Chromatography, which is used to separate a mixture into its constituent components with the use of chemical interactions. A series of chemical interactions are used in between the substance of subject and the chromatography column.Although the concept of Liquid Chromatography dates back to 1940s, the path breaking research, in the field of HPLC is being carried out on a large scale even t oday. More samples of matter are being analyzed for their chemical behavior than ever before in the recent times. Chemists, researchers and pharmaceutical companies need to perform chromatography on large quantities of samples. The call of the day is to speed up the process of HPLC while at the same time not forsake its accuracy. The solution is to speed up the process of HPLC by a magnitude. This process known as Fast HPLC is a boon to all people and organizations concerned. The most common principle behind Fast HPLC is rapid analysis using short columns. The particles filled in the columns are also short. Various developments are taking place in the HPLC technology to aid Fast HPLC and in all cases it is observed that Fast HPLC operate nearly five times faster while at the same time not sacrificing performance, reliability and simplicity. This report aims to enumerate the various developments that are being carried out in the field of HPLC that aid Fast HPLC. The HPLC process is described with relevant terms. Several research works being carried out are explained with the intended purpose of the research. Particular topics covered in this report include advancements in monolithic columns, small particle columns and high pressure and high temperature modes and relevant developments in other methods. The report aims at understanding the advantages brought about by these advancements in the field of HPLC. Specific concentration of the report is the developments in the field of columns used in HPLC. An analysis is made as to how, advances in the columns speeds up the process of chromatography. The applications of these developments are enumerated and an analysis is provided as to how the modern developments have changed the way the process is conducted. [1][2][3] Etc. The Process The performance of HPLC is affected by a number of factors. The most important among the factors are 'Column Efficiency', 'Performance of Mobile Phase', 'Performance of Stationary Phase', 'Injectors', 'Pumps', 'Detectors', 'Columns and Column Packing' and 'Automation'. Advancements in several of these factors have led to the development of Fast HPLC. Advancements: Fast HPLC Monolithic columns: A method popularly used as a separation media for liquid chromatography has been that of monolithic stationary phases and columns. These have not taken much time to become popular however some of their features have yet to be clearly studied. Researchers comment that chromatographic behavior of these columns should be studied along with their physico-chemical and structural properties to attain progress in their design and production. Recently a technique known as fast high performance LC is becoming popular for laboratory. Here shorter columns that have higher flow rates are used thereby analysis time is

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Journalism and Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Journalism and Ethics - Essay Example The power that the media holds can at times be abused and tainted to the degree that its very core duty of protecting the people’s democracy is threatened. In fact, this factor has made some media outlets to turn into propaganda bullhorns for dangerous and corrupt politicians in power. In addition, other outlets have even been used as vehicles of inciting violence and xenophobic against vulnerable groups of individuals and minorities.Essentially, the media outlet Democracy Now! Was established in 1996, becoming the solitary broadcasting company that was devoted to cover and inform the public on the precedents of the presidential elections. The outlet basically began as an investigation on why most people, by then, did not seem to actively participate in or care about political activities and politics respectively. For that reason, the outlet gathered enthralling stories all of which pointed out that democratic activities were not getting any media coverage. The outlet thus foc used on this deserted region, broadcasting elections and other democratic functions. Today, Democracy Now! Broadcasts on averagely over 850 television and radio stations internationally as well as through the use of an online platform.Comparatively, ethical journalism is concerned in the way through which various parties such as editors, presenters, anchors, and reporters deliver commentary on issues which can shape the lives of people in the society. Ethical journalism is thus rooted in moral values and thus journalists, as well as governments, should ensure that they work towards improving journalism as well as improving the rights and standards of human beings. Â  Democracy Now! Reveals the importance of ethical journalism through its insistence on media independence and democracy. For true democracy to come into effect, there is a need for the citizens to gain access to both independent and diverse sources of information and news.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The boardroom episode of the apprentice Essay Example for Free

The boardroom episode of the apprentice Essay I saw The Apprentice once, many years ago. I didnt like it. I felt it was everything that was wrong with modern culture and the media in general. I vowed never to watch it again, and assumed everyone else would feel similarly. They did not. Jump to the present day, and The Apprentice is still as popular as ever, going by the fact that my Twitter feed mentions nothing else whenever it is on. I try to follow intelligent, liberal, clear-thinking people. So why do they all get sucked in to The Apprentice? Ive not heard anyone say they actually like it, if anything they seem to actively dislike it, but still they tune in every week without fail. What strange psychological system is in place that makes so many people want to watch the antics of a number of strangers they claim to find repugnant? Is everyone a secret masochist? Does Alan Sugar have some sort of mind-control power? Is the BBC employing weapons-grade There must be some interesting psychological phenomena in play. This needs investigating. So, as someone experienced in numerous areas of psychology who is largely ignorant about the current format and cast of The Apprentice, I felt I was in a perfect position to offer an objective psychological assessment of it. Here are the notes I made from viewing the latest episode. 2 min: OK, were barely out of the recap and already Lord Sugar emphatically says he believes actions speak louder than words. But many of the physical actions humans can perform produce little or no audible output. A metaphor, or does he suffer from synaesthesia? 3 min: Im thinking Lord Sugar may be using psychological methods to control the contestants and produce the most stimulating television. He seems the sort. Also, he strikes me as a cross between an ageing human and a belligerent Brillo pad. Just saying. 5 min: Lord Sugar calls the contestants at 5.20 am. Bit early, a possible attempt at sleep deprivation, leading to an unstable mental state? Also, all the contestants seem to live together in one house. Im assuming this is  something arranged by the show and not a massive coincidence? 8 min: Theyre visiting a farm, as you do. Details aside, Lord Sugar seems to persist in addressing the contestants from a raised level, so its a set-up where groups of supposedly ruthless people stand assembled in uniform while a man with absolute power over them looks down and barks orders. 9 min: Lord Alan Sugar wants them to set up and run a farm shop, something completely unfamiliar to people who work in the economic/corporate field. Excessive environmental change can cause symptoms to worsen in delirium. Most of the contestants dont seem old enough for that to be a major concern, but then given the aforementioned sleep deprivation 11 min: Maybe this friction between so many empty vessels is an attempt to generate large amounts of static electricity? Lord Sugar may want this to power some device hes working on. This doesnt sound like the most practical technology, but then again he is the head of Amstrad. 13 min: I dont think that guy Alex knows his eyebrows look like that. They must have drawn them on him as he slept for a cruel joke. 17 min: One of the women is on a farm and says the silage smells really nice. Maybe her insula or putamen is wrongly wired up? 19 min: Eyebrow guy showing obvious signs of dyscalculia. Im sure thats not an issue for people who want to work with large sums of money. 21 min: Theres a great deal of footage here of close-ups of vegetables and vaguely glamorous women. Its like being backstage at the filming of a Marks and Spencers advert. 23 min: The phrases Just use logic and Engage brain have just been used with no sense of irony or self-awareness. Can the Dunning-Kruger effect ever be fatal? If so, we might not make it to a full series. 25 min: Announcer keeps saying milkshake and now all the boys are in a yard. Nobody has mentioned the obvious joke yet. 28 min: I appear to be watching a lot of dislikeable people buy fruit, at prime time on BBC1. This may be an ingenious form of propaganda by the junk food industry. 29 min: I am struggling to tell these people apart, for all that they dont really resemble each other. The programme may have caused some form of prosopagnosia. Either that or my visual processing system has just grouped them together as some diffuse mass of absolute-tittery. I believe the gestalt theory of visual perception allows for this. 30 min: Theyve got to sell ridiculously expensive slabs of buffalo meat or theyll lose the contest, and yet nobody has said the steaks are too high. Its like Im doing all their thinking for them. 32 min: Heavily made-up woman just asked a passing pedestrian are you interested in some milk? Freud would have had a field day with this show. 35 min: I dont think anyone would be willing to buy produce from a man in the street with the sort of eyebrows used to denote a cartoon character as evil. How is it possible for a human to occupy the uncanny valley? 36 min: This show is instilling in me an intense loathing of these people and the capitalist system that produces and even rewards such individuals. This may be some clever use of associative learning by the BBC, subtly supporting its more socialist funding model. Good effort, if so. 37 min: Its no good; Im going to need some booze to get all the way through this. Back in a second. 37 min: OK, here we go again. I couldnt find any proper alcohol, so am sucking on an antibacterial kitchen wipe. Itll do. 39 min: I just realised that Lord Sugar sounds like the main bad guy in a cartoon that promotes dental hygiene. This could be worth a fortune. If only there was some way to present my business ideas to Alan Sugar

Friday, November 15, 2019

Narcissistic Personality Disorder :: Narcissism Essays

There are two types of Narcissistic Personality Disorders. The individual whose surroundings supports his or her ego, and demands that he or she present their selfish behavior will develop to be a kind of an exhibitionistic narcissist. These types of person thinks that they are superior to others, but at the same time his or her personal feelings are ignored. To make his or her feelings of satisfaction, to come back, the person will attempt to make the environment support his or her enormous claims of superiority and perfection. On the other hand, if the environment feels threatened by the person's ego it will attempt to suppress the person from expressing him or herself. These kinds of persons learn to keep the ego hidden from others, and they will growth to be a closet narcissist. The closet narcissist will only reveal his or her feelings of fulfillment when he or she is convinced that such revelations will be safe.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Is our negative leveling of narcissism a defense against a demanding call of the soul to be loved?†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By denying our narcissistic tendencies and by labeling this part of our dark side as negative, we our only repressing the growth that our soul desires.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The more we push narcissism away from us by disowning it, the more self consumed we actually become. In my own life, self-love was one of the greatest and most valuable lessons learned through very difficult circumstances. I discovered that the importance of self-acceptance must first be established first from the inside our self if I was ever to sincerely receive love from another. Our potential does not create our attitude, but our attitude creates our potential. I think that when people change their perception of self, then their lives will for sure change as well.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Company Evaluation Essay

A: Evaluation: Company Q is a small grocery store chain working on being profitable in a large city. Company Q had a couple of stores that were not profitable and were in an area rated for higher crime, so they chose to close these two stores. The social responsibility choice by Company Q was abatement, choosing to remove the stores from the negative environment (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2008). Company Q has by request, been offering high margin items, specifically organic products which are considered a health conscious choice for customers concerned with the environment. These items have to be fresh and being perishable after being displayed for the day result in discarding or wasting by throwing the food away, which is of concern to the community. The community has a food bank which asked for donations of this organic food hoping to help those in need, but Company Q turned them down and showed no real interest in helping the community with the excuse for concern over possible fraud or empl oyees stealing the food that was claimed to be for donation. The social responsibility for helping those in need is being avoided by Company Q simply because they claim concern over fraud by employees. This choice by Company Q may give them a negative reputation for the community (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2008). Job seekers may not want to work for Company Q if they see it as not being socially responsible and the possibility of being stereotyped as a possible thief just because you work for Company Q. The employees may have lower morale because of the negative reputation and disgust towards management for the lack of trust as an excuse for being socially irresponsible towards those in need. This choice may also cause a drop in current shoppers and a choice by possible new shoppers to choose to shop elsewhere. Recommendations: 1. Regarding the stores that were closed in the higher crime rate section of the city due to loss in revenue, the employees and customers or primary stakeholders would be negatively affected. These individuals might not be able to find employment elsewhere and the customers may not be able to travel to another store to remain satisfied customers. This likely being  the case, Company Q has a social responsibility to improve this situation. They can reopen the stores, hire security employees, and install security cameras to discourage the theft problem. This will restore the positive attitude with the employees and customers. This will restore relations with the community and the suppliers. 2. Company Q by request has made a good choice to offer the health foods, though they are high margin products. However, the customers have been asking for years for healthy foods, so the responsibility of Company Q remains that they should sell much more in the health food line. They should choose to sell as much of the lower priced items in the health food line as possible. The community wants the healthy food and it is an important step for Company Q to care about the health of the community as well. Taking care of the community from a healthy standpoint is an important social responsibility that reaches out to the health and mental attitudes of all those who chose to take advantage of a healthy diet. The next step is to choose an ethical way to give back to the community as a social responsibility for the unsold perishable items. To relieve the concern of employee bad behavior, Company Q could draw up an agreement with the local food bank such that they would have to pick up the day-old products and sign a check sheet list of items that were accepted on the given day date. This would create accountability by the food bank personnel and eliminate the possibility for employee theft. It also would yield a positive attitude in the community for Company Q and possibly increase their bottom line making it attractive to shareholders. 3. Company Q has a responsibility to their employees to restore relations with them, as well. Company Q might explore the possibility of donating their time through volunteerism with employees who are willing to sign up for a given number of hours per week at the food bank. Therefore, Company Q would be showing their concern for the community and persons who are less fortunate. This will restore employee trust to know that they work for a company who is socially responsible by giving back to the community and employees would appreciate the opportunity to participate in a volunteer outreach to the food bank. These changes would improve the employee morale. This will get some recognition by the community and likely, some of the secondary stakeholders including media may want to air Company Q on TV relating the donation to the food bank of the day-old food and may film the  employees donating their time to the food bank. This could help Company Q with their interest in the community and shareholders by possibly making their stock go up and increase their sales in all of their stores. References Ferrell, O., Fraedrich, J., & Ferrell, L. (2008). An Overview of Business Ethics; Ethical Issues and The Institutionalization of Business Ethics. In O. Ferrell, J. Fraedrich, & L. Ferrell, Business Ethics Ethical Decision Making and Cases (pp. 4-85). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Juvenile Court Characteristics Essay

A juvenile is a person who was less than 17 years old but more than 10 years old when he or she committed an act defined as a delinquent act or a conduct in need of supervision. This is an act if committed by an adult could lead to imprisonment. A conduct in need of supervision (CINS) is a conduct that if committed by an adult could result in a fine. Juvenile Court Characteristics in Texas According to Roberts (2004), when a juvenile has been found to have committed a CINS or delinquent conduct, he/she is adjudicated. Texas juvenile board is in charge of the juvenile justice operations. It’s made up of district court judges and country court judges. The juvenile board decides which court that will be used as a juvenile court in the county. There are different courts that are involved: district, Constitutional County or county courts. District courts are courts of general jurisdiction; constitutional county courts have concurrent authority with district judges and county courts may have concurrent authority with district judges or it may vary according to the statute that formed them (Zimring, 2005). When a juvenile has been found with an adjudicated conduct, the following is done: the person can be placed on probation, sent to the Texas youth commission (TYC) with an indeterminable sentence. However, this can only be done in victims of felony offences or it can be referred to the TYC with a determined sentence for certain offences. Juveniles put on probation and not sent to the TYC are supposed to be released by the time they turn 18. When sent to the TYC with an indeterminate verdict, the victims are released by the time they turn 19 and when sent to the TYC with a determined sentence, they can be transferred to an adult court depending on their behavior while in the TYC programs (Myers, 2001). If the juvenile is put on probation, the judge orders the juvenile to live with a responsible adult and gives the conditions that are to be followed. The conditions may range from a curfew, undergoing counseling or the juvenile may be required to attend a school. If the conditions given are not kept by the adult, the court may order the adult responsible to pay a fine or be imprisoned (Feld, 1999). Conclusion Many juveniles are found to commit crimes that if they were adults, they might have been convicted or fined. To deal with such cases, the Texas courts have come up with modes of dealing the culprits.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Modern Day Witch Trials Essays

Modern Day Witch Trials Essays Modern Day Witch Trials Essay Modern Day Witch Trials Essay Trial The Animation Preschool Abuse Trial was anything but quick and simple. The case lasted a total of seven years, and cost the government $1 5 million dollars (Source F). Peggy Animation Buckeye and her son Raymond along with a few other teachers were accused of a crime that would change their lives forever. The charges consisted of everything from animal sacrifice to pornography and satanic rituals. (Source D). It first began with Judy Johnson, mother of one of the preschools young children who claimed the teachers had molested her son; however, her mental illness schizophrenia) was withheld from the defense in court for three years. She caused a chain reaction that eventually led to 321 counts of child abuse involving 48 children (Source F). Children are susceptible to peer pressure. They are impelled to say things that are not true Just to please certain people, or to stop brutal interrogations. In both cases people were urged to believe in the children. They were heedless of the fact that there was no strong evidence to back up any of the stories, which also varied (Source C). Parents in the Animation Trial were encouraged to sit their kids down and eave them questioned for two hours. These types of allegations destroy careers and change (innocent) lives forever. A member of the Jury told reporters: The interview tapes were too biased; too leading. (Source E) In both cases people were c reating their own accusations with their own twisted thoughts. They turned what could have been innocent interpretations into the most horrid ideas. The phrase cold as a witchs teat, originated from the Salem Witch Trial. It was said that if a mole was pricked with a needle, and the person failed to bleed then they were a witch. Likewise, one kid in the Animation Trial did not like tuna; people rapidly shot to the conclusion that this was because he had been exposed to vaginal smells (Source C). Did it ever occur to these people that maybe the child simply disliked tuna? During the trial one particular prosecutor emphasized that Buckley did not always wear underwear, which was something they stumbled across during the investigation. It was nonetheless irrelevant to the serious charges he was facing (Source E). Investigators are largely at fault as well. They pressured the victims to give the response they were looking for. One child involved in the case later came back as an adult and said, Never did anyone do anything to me, and I never saw them doing anything. I said a lot of things that didnt happen. I lied Anytime I would give them an answer they didnt like, they would ask again and encourage me to give them the answer they were looking for Later analysis showed evidence of extremely suggestive methods of questioning that were used on the children, which wouldve lead to false allegations while others believe it may have led them to false memory syndrome. (Source F) The main point of learning about history is so that it doesnt peat itself; moreover, there are lessons to be learned from the Salem Witch Trials and the Animation Trial. In both situations everything was blown way out of proportion. Therefore, trials should have unbiased Judges, reliable sources, and we need to make sure that the people confessing dont have something to gain by their dishonesty (Source C). In 1990, Peggy Buckeye was acquitted, and not long before she D) Let that be a lesson. We cannot control the fact that hysteria is going to happen, but we can learn from previous events to take the right preventative measures (Source C).

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biochemical Engineering2 essays

Biochemical Engineering2 essays How would you like to examine physical properties of a wide array of different animals? Not only that but also research the processes of many organisms? If this sounds exciting, then biochemical engineering is the best career choice for you! Biochemists find many amazing things. For example, a biochemist discovered that increased flexing of a certain pelvic muscle helps to stimulate the activity in your brain. If you wanted a great job like this college is not always required. You can get internships with companies. In these internships you help out fellow scientist in there everyday duties. That can lead to self employed jobs which you control the experiments and do what you please. But this doesnt happen often, most of the time you will need to go to college for at least two years for your bachelors degree. Studies at Rutgers University for Chemistry include general chemistry for engineers, introduction to computers for engineers, engineering lectures, calculus, and physics. After you finish college the money will be rollin in. Biochemical engineers in Wisconsin make anywhere between $38,873 and $47,403 per year. For example there is a job in Madison as a product evaluation specialist for a prominent biotechnology firm. They evaluate the operation of new products and their effects. Now you see that this is a very fun, exciting, and promising job. I would recommend seeing your guidance councilor to see what local colleges would best suit your biochemical interests. Biochemistry: Protein Arrays Step Out of DNAs Shadow!, Science Service, Robert F.; 9-8-2000 ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

What efforts have governments in Korea made to reform the chaebol Essay

What efforts have governments in Korea made to reform the chaebol since the mid 1990s - Essay Example Over the past two decades its annual growth rate in terms of gross national product (GNP) has been 9% and exports have increased 30%--the highest increase and growth rate in the world for that time span. By achieving $70 billion annually in exports, with a surplus in ordinary balance of more than $9 billion a year, Korea is now among the worlds top ten exporters. Today, Koreas per-capita income has reached $5,000--up from a meager $82 in 1961 (Chan Sup Chang, 1988). It is clear that strong leadership, sound economic planning by the government and the prodigious productivity of Koreas workers are important elements in this remarkable economic boom. As one Japanese executive said, "The Koreans are the only people who still work hard." Skilled and diligent workers have been an especially important driving force behind economic success (Ihlwan, 1998). According to the International Labour Organization, the Korean work week averages 54.4 hours--the highest in the world. However, the real catalysts in Koreas economic success have been the efforts of the private business sector, especially those of the chaebols (Korean conglomerates or financial cliques). The Bank of Korea reports that the total earnings of Koreas top 30 chaebols will reach $200 billion--about 95% of the nations GNP--in the 1990s. Clearly, the state of the Korean economy reflects the success of the chaebols; as a result, these groups have piqued international interest. In this article we shall examine the corporate values and strategies unique to chaebols. Korean chaebols--e.g., Hyundai, Samsung, and Lucky-Goldstar--emerged as major corporations during the late 1950s. The formation and growth of such conglomerates accelerated between the early 1960s (e.g., Hanjin, Korea Explosive, Hyosung, Ssangyong, and Dong-A) and the early 1970s (e.g., Daewoo, Sunkyong, Lotte, Kolon, and Doosan). Korean chaebols are often compared to

Friday, November 1, 2019

Proposed preliminary research design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Proposed preliminary research design - Essay Example Therefore, defining the scope of romance that will be studied is the first task of the study. In creating a study that examines romance and the way in which it is constructed within social relationships that have a sexual component, creating a methodology that allows for subjective considerations will be necessary in order to develop research. In creating a study that is called The Anatomy of Romance, a built in metaphor will guide the way in which the study is constructed. In creating the concept, providing a bone structure, an internal ‘metabolism’, a pumping heart, the brain, the sex organs, and eventually the flesh that creates a living, breathing organism that is the romantic life of a couple will provide a basis for a framework and a foundation on which to build the study in context. According to Shank (2006), framing a topic within a metaphor allows for the research to present a new way of looking at the topic (p. 124). By starting with this foundation, the study can use a multitude of references in order to build a well structured One approach toward this study might be to see the work through ethnography. However, in order to do that, broad strokes of intention about the context of romance within the culture would then diminish the actual perceptions of romance. Romance seems to be an individual creation that is birthed between two people. Although there are generalities that infiltrate a culture, such as the American traditions of flowers, candy, and jewelry, romance is far more interesting beneath the surface of ethnographic generalizations - which admittedly would be far deeper than the example - but would attempt to represent a culture, rather than the concept itself as an entity of a relationship. Defining romance by its cultural adaptations rather than by the singularity in which it exists between two people is too broad a scope in which to examine